Trusted Interoperability Is The Key To Better Health Care Delivery | TEFCA And TNAP Are The Keys To Trusted Interoperability | A HITRUST Customer Story With Lee Barrett And Michael Parisi

Their Story conversation with Lee Barrett, Executive Director at Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission and Michael Parisi, VP of adoption at HITRUST

Patients, and their providers, deserve to have immediate, accurate access to their personal health information so they can get the best healthcare possible. How and where does the concept of interoperability come into play for a number of societal issues and patient care delivery challenges we are trying to solve for? Let's look at TEFCA to find out.

in today's story, we are joined by two organizations—HITRUST and EHNAC—dedicated to making the healthcare ecosystem thrive by reducing friction in risk management and in supply chain interoperability. This spirit couldn't be applied at a better time with the recent release of TEFCA—the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement.

We are all part of the equation. It's all about enablement and trust. It comes down to the collective spirit to provide better care for everyone, wherever they are from, and wherever they are currently located.

HITRUST and EHNAC, through their partnership with other stakeholders via the Trusted Network Accreditation Program (TNAP), are dedicated to reducing the friction to become part of Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN). Their combined goal is to make it possible for everyone to do their part to provide better care. And that comes down to safe, secure, and trusted interoperability.

It’s all about stakeholder trust. It’s all about raising the bar and creating the highest level of stakeholder trust across all the various stakeholders, including the patients, which are a very key component. We need to really raise the bar to allow patients to have a lot more access to their data. It’s an opportunity for all in the ecosystem to make a change for the better for a better future.
— Lee Barrett, Executive Director at Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC)
If we can enable the stakeholders to make interoperability work, that’s what we want to do. This doesn’t need to be overly complicated. If it becomes overly complicated, then that impacts better, quicker care delivery. We see ourselves fitting into the equation by reducing complexity in interoperability. And we’re very passionate about it.
— Michael Parisi, VP of Adoption at HITRUST



Lee Barrett
Executive Director at Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (@EHNAC)
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Michael Parisi, VP of Adoption, @HITRUST

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The Key To Better Health Care

Additional Resources

On-Demand Webinar | The Key To Better Health Care:

Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA):

The Trusted Network Accreditation Program (TNAP):