Candid CyberSec

Vandana Verma

Vandana Verma



Vandana has been working on Cloud Security, Application security, Vulnerability assessment, secure code review, threat profiling and remediation support for web/client server applications on different technologies based on Secure Design/Development guidelines and OWASP standards/guidelines.

Vandana has been a speaker and trainer at security events including Blackhat USA 2019, BSides LV 2019, Diana Initiative, Defcon (AppSec Village), AppSec California 2019, Global Appsec EU 2018, Global Appsec USA 2018, Global AppSec Tel Aviv, BSides Delhi 2018, c0c0n 2017 and Nullcon etc. She has trained over 3000+ Women in cybersecurity.

Podcasts with and hosted by Vandana Verma