Wanna Keep It Short? How About Seven Minutes?

Introducing The “ITSPmagazine Short Promotional Stories” Podcasts

In 7 minutes we help you to tell the stories that matter the most to the people that care the most: your target audience.

ITSPmagazine offers three new, distinct short brand story podcast programs designed to elevate your company’s vision, innovations, and other news. Each caters to a specific aspect of brand marketing and offers unique storytelling benefits.

And, at only $250 each, it’s a program you shouldn’t pass up!

Brand Origin Stories

This program gives companies a chance to share their foundational story, highlighting their vision, mission, and solutions. Puts a name and a face to the company, connecting with the audience on a personal and emotional level. Uses a quick yet in-depth interview format to explore company values and its history in creating them.

Brand Announcement Stories

Ideal for broadcasting new products or partnerships, this program focuses on delivering timely news.
Enhances audience engagement with relevant updates to your company, products, partnerships, and team.
A quick, thought-provoking discussion underscores the significance and benefits of your announcement.

Brand Innovation Stories

Showcases the latest innovations and advancements, emphasizing a company's role in shaping the future. This short brand story positions your company and brand as a thought leader in innovation. Highlights novel aspects of your solution and its future impacts on the market, utilizing supportive use cases when available.